“Those that have gone before, known and unknown have left a legacy from which you have sprung, give them thanks, the good, the bad, the foolish and the wise. Those that have gone before leave traces of their lives, give thanks and honor for what they did and didn’t do and how this has contributed to you becoming you”. ~ Christopher Hansard


Photo of Gurly Christine Himani Hafsmoe at Lake Powel, USA

If you are happy, more happiness comes to you. If you are joyous, you attract more joyousness. Like attract like. ~ Osho


There is a tremendously beautiful saying of Jesus. I am never tired of quoting it again and again. Jesus says: “Those who have, more shall be given to them. And those who don’t have, even that which they have will be taken away from them”.
A strange statement to make – very strange. Because our ordinary mathematics, arithmetic, socialism, communism, etcetera will say that: Give to those who don’t have. But Jesus says: Those who have, more shall be given to them; and those who don’t have, even that which they have shall be taken away from them. This is the fundamental law. If you are happy, more happiness comes to you. If you are joyous, you attract more joyousness. Like attracts like. If you are miserable, more misery starts moving towards you.
YOU CREATE your world. Don’t make anybody else responsible for it – it is always you who are responsible.
The Perfect Master, Vol 2

Source: Facebook Public Group, Osho Sannyasins, posted by Ravichandran Osho

Nobody can convey the Truth in mere words. We cannot show a picture of it. Even the greatest minds cannot analyze it and present It in any form. ~ Sri Mooji


Nobody can convey the Truth in mere words. We cannot show a picture of it. Even the greatest minds cannot analyze it and present It in any form. It has to be an inner discovering, and those who have discovered the simplicity, the beauty of their own Self have often found it impossible to speak about it. Others laugh; laughing, laughing, laughing. Others crying, crying, crying. Others laughing and crying. And some simply quiet. They cannot speak. But, whichever way it is experienced within, it is totally natural. I take it you have come here for such a discovery.
If there were not Beings like yourself, I would not want to be here. I would not want to be here in life, if there were not Beings who were in search of Truth. I love you.Thank you for that.

-Sri Mooji-

“Shh!! Don’t talk so much about yourself. It doesn’t even exist, but your talking makes it appear so. Keep quiet inside your mind and being, and pray that your ego disappears this day”. ~ Sri Mooji



Many confuse selfishness with love.


“Many confuse selfishness with love. It’s one thing to be with someone because it is good to be together, because there is a synergistic affinity, and a positive energy grows for both in this union. It’s another thing to be with someone because you believe you will find happiness through this person, because you think you will get something from him or her in return. In this case, you don’t want someone to love. You want someone to attend to your needs and expectations. This is what is known as selfishness.”

Sri Prem Baba ~ 9/09/16 (photo by Yolanda Pelayo from Awaken Love Maui 2016)

Source: Om Aloha on Facebook  …flower of the day…



Pictures from my last visit to the famous Beatles Ashram in Rishikesh, India earlier this year.


“Best is just be nothing. See if the mind can speak to you when you are nothing. Invite this”. ~ Sri Mooji

Who am I? Who is in? Everything I says “I am”, all the opposite I am not. We are much more then we think, and yet at the same time we are “Nothing”. Don’t follow the games of the mind, better to be the watcher of it’s play. ~ Gurly Chr. H. Hafsmoe


“Anything that you resent and strongly react to in another is also in you” ~ Ekhart Tolle


I mirror you and you mirror me, we are each others reflections through life ~ Gurly Chr. H. Hafsmoe
