About GC Himani

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Welcome to my sharing blog. Who am I? I’m everything yet nothing. I’m a witness of my own life and a mirror to the people around me, like they are a mirror to me. I travel between worlds unlearning thousands of years of conditioning. In this blog I’m collecting my favorite quotes and wise words written by people who inspired me through life, and you are welcome to join me and share your favorite quotes or thoughts as well…

Love to all…

Gurly Christine Himani Hafsmoe

ﻉ√٥ﺎ ★ ☮ ★ ☮  ★ ☮ ﻉ√٥ﺎ

22 thoughts on “About GC Himani

  1. Dear Himani,

    I’m sure u’ll benefit immensly if u read two books i suggest:
    The Power of Now; and
    A New Earth,
    both by Eckhart Tolle.
    It is also beneficial listening to him. Some free video bits are available in youtube.

    With love,

  2. Himani this is a wonderfull site , site itself is a healer , Are you on facebook showering your happiness , Co travellers , beautifull journey, silence shared in words, thank you for shring ~<3 love n bliss <3~

  3. Namaste Himani… 🙂

    I am glad with what you do in making the World a better place to live. This blog is beautiful….You have all the BEST teachings all in one place.

    Would love to know more about you. Are you living in India?

  4. And suddenly this question plopped in his mind. “What is the great secret in life?” ~ JHS |¤

    Dear Himani,

    I found a picture of a monk and a bird, and the source brought me to your blog. I’ve written a story, and I like to share it with you, feel free to share it on your blog.

    Kind regards,

    Jumo Ho Son

    The Bird

    The monk spent months in solitude, enjoying every moment as a happy child. He would sit for many hours in perfect samadhi, contemplating life, death and the eternal changing illusion of it all. One day he reached a beautiful peak of enlightenment, at the same moment a bird landed right in front of him. Both the bird as the monk took notice of the other. And suddenly this question plopped in his mind. “What is the great secret in life?”

    He realised life wasn’t fulfilled by being a monk or spending his days in solitude. He enjoyed the peace of samadhi more than anything else. Now, there was this immediate urge to run back to his master. He would bow and then walk up to him to whisper this question in his ear.

    The bird was still there. For how long had the monk been in thoughts, he didn’t know. He could not return to his master for any answer. This question was his alone, and he knew what he needed to do. He got up and slowly stretched his legs.

    And so, Hui-neng left his retreat and returned to his school, his village. The night before he returned home, his master appeared in a dream and asked him: “Dear Hui-neng, to what knowledge did you come?” His pupil said the following: “When alive, one keeps sitting without lying down. When dead, one lies without sitting up. In both cases, a set of stinking bones! What has it to do with the great lesson of life?” He woke up crying for he knew his master had passed away and was in the realm of the perfect ones.

    Walking down the path, Hui-neng thought of the bird and realised what it was.

    2nd October 2013,


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