15 thoughts on ““The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice. ~ Peggy O’Mara

  1. I cried when I read this. I don’t think I have ever felt words be so poignantly truthful. Thank you for this quote and the insight behind it.

  2. I want to change this about myself.. I HATE that i have a mean tone to my words. It’s something that has been with me since I was a child. And it’s taking a toll on my 6 year old daughter, not to mention my 3 younger children. I’m using your quote as a daily reminder to be better, to stop myself from sounding so bad….

    • Talk to your inner child first before reacting, How would you like to be spoken to at that age. I am learning to do this as well. Re-acting is huge. breath, walk away think, pray meditate for the right words. It works. Be patient with yourself!

  3. Pingback: What will their inner voices say? | thehamricks

  4. The tucking of children into their beds is a ritual that
    every parent, guardian, loved one, honored one
    can embrace

    A time when thoughts of spelling bees and math equations can be rested

    A time to dream of a world beyond themselves

    A world where humanity is valued and celebrated

    -Mark Loring-The Soul’s Collection: An Intimate Awakening

  5. Peggy’s quote resonates deeply within my soul…..this is so TRUE…my sons have a clear inner voice and are strong individuals because of our love & parenting….

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